Libido decreases and erectile dysfunction negatively affects the quality of men's sexual life. Appropriate popular remedies rapidly increase home power, improve and restore male potential. Differentdrug, folkloric methods practically (for rare individual cases) have no side effects and against -indications.
In this article, you will learn which ingredients and dyes will help achieve a fast effect (from 3 days) and increase your power.
The main causes of weak power
Male power depends on many reasons. The rhythm of modern life directly affects male power. Physically difficult working conditions or, conversely, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent sleep and nervous tension, inadequate nutrition and bad habits weaken power.
The opinion of a psychologist. In the modern world, the issue of manufacturing material goods is so acute that men usually suffer from severe nervous stress. Often this is the problem of low power.
To combat low power, urologists began to prescribe a cheap and extremely effective 100% natural drug. After use, men stop contacting an expert forever.Read more . . .
What should be power at 50
After reaching 50 years, physiological opportunities for continuing sex in a man are declining, but that does not mean that they completely disappear. The needs of sex in a healthy man are preserved, a constant interest in this issue is supported.
However, men's power decreases after 50 years, almost all men observe that to achieve a state of readiness that now need more time, signs of physiological aging can appear in a completely healthy man.
The standard at this age is about 8 to 10 full sex contacts per month, with an average duration of 2 to 3 minutes (about 50 friction). But these are average standards, for some men the standard is a larger number of contacts for others - less. The duration can also be very different.
The concept of norm in sex life is individual: if a man feels comfortable in a certain pace of sexual contacts, this is the norm for him. In some men, the ability of sex life remains for a deep age. Why is this happening? Obviously, a man's heredity and earlier lifestyle are of great importance to preserve power.
All of these are the options for the rules that must be taken into consideration. But in some cases a man needs additional support.
How to increase power after 50 years, it is better to discuss with a doctor an andrologist. It will advise how to strengthen your male power, will recommend effective drugs, food supplies for food or popular medicines.
Folk healers recipes to improve power in men
The action of the aphrodisiacs on power has been known since ancient times. Among them are many spices, spices and other products of natural origin.
Folk recipes with honey
Honey is a vitamin warehouse. Its regular use improves and restores power, serves as a general strengthening tool for male health. The compounds with the addition of honey are a natural stimulant.
Council of a General Practice. Every morning, with an empty stomach, it absorbs 1 teaspoon honey, washed with cooked warm water. This affects power well and serves as a general strengthening. Replace sugar with honey in meaningless drinks.
Honey and nuts.
Torce 1 cup purified walnut in a meat grinder or pike with a knife. Stir with 1 glass of honey. Insist 2 days in a dark and cold place. Eat several times a day before eating 1-2 hours of a spoon. Keep refrigerated.
Honey and dried fruits.
1 medium lemon with a shell, 1 tablespoon. Bunny, 1 tablespoon. Kuragi, 1 tablespoon. PASSINES - Torce through a meat grinder and mix with 1 tablespoon. honey. Insist 1 day in the cold. Take 1-2 teaspoons before meals 2 times a day.
Triple effect.
1 tablespoon. Mix 1 tablespoon honey. Purified chopped cedar nuts and add 100 ml of aloe. Take 1 tablespoon. harvest once a day. Keep in the refrigerator.

Cedar nut and without honey has a positive effect on male libido
Honey and ginger.
In 300 gr. Honey shed 1 tablespoon. Carrot juice and 50 gr. Well chopped ginger. Insist in 10 hours. Use 1 tablespoon. L 2 times a day before meals. Store the composition in the refrigerator.
4 Assistants.
1 tablespoon. Honey, 100 ml of aloe, 1 tablespoon. Red dry wine, 0, 5 hours per spoon of parsley seeds. Mixture. Store in a nice place. Take 50 ml before bed.
People's Healers Council. To improve power, use dark honey varieties in compositions - sarracene wheat, nuts, lion tooth.
Council of an allergist. Before using honey and beekeeping products, make sure there is no allergy.
Domestic tinks to improve power
There are many tincture recipes to improve an erection. They all help improve male health.
Wine with honey.
Mix 0, 5 L of red dry wine with 1 tablespoon. honey spoon. Insist 3 days, shaking periodically. Store in the refrigerator. Drink 50 ml before bed.
For a better dissolution of honey, lightly heat the wine. Don't boil!
Wine with aloe.
300 gr. Mix red dry wine with 200 gr. Honey, add 100g. Chopped aloe, 1 teaspoon of parsley seeds and 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds. Insist in 10 days, scratches periodically. Keep refrigerated. Drink 50 gr. Immediately before sex.
Wine with dried fruits.
In 0, 7 liters of dry red wine, add crushed plums, downs and apricots for 1 tablespoon. l. A pinch of cardamom, cloves and cinnamon. 50 gr. Sahara. Small the mixture over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring. Keep refrigerated. Take 40 ml before sexual intercourse.
"Hot wine".

In 0, 7 liters of red dry wine, add 1 pinch of cloves and cinnamon, 4 leaves of mint -pimps, heat on fire. Add 2 tablespoons to the still hot drink. L, dear, mix. Take 70 ml every night. In this recipe, hot wine can be boiled, will not be critical. The main difference of classic hot wine is honey.
Dye with white wine.
Orange juice can be replaced by grapefruit.
In 1 liter of white wine, add 250 ml orange juice, 70 ml lemon juice, 3 tablespoons. L, honey, 3 leaves of mint, a hint of cardamom, 3 pieces of cloves and a piece of cinnamon. Heat without boiling. Cool, refrigerate for 2 days. Take 50 ml before sexual contact.
Urtiga drink.
Urtiga has many different useful properties, and one of them is increased power. 100 gr. The ground grass is spilled into a thermos. Pour boiling water - 400 ml. Insist from 5 to 7 hours. Take 3-4 times a day. In 150 ml of the infusion, place 1-2 teaspoon honey, directly in a glass. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
Urtiga with vodka.
1 tablespoon. L The ground roots of nettle add 0, 5 liters of vodka. Hide for 3 weeks in a dark place. Take 20-25 drops before sexual intercourse.
We strongly recommend not exceed the specified dose.
Ginseng root in vodka.
In 0, 4 liters of vodka, add 1 ginseng root, fresh or dry. Leave for 21 days in a dark place. Take 40 ml 2 times every day.
With garlic.
In 3 liters of a jar, pour 800 gr. Purified ground garlic, pour clean, cold and cooked water in the neck. Insist 2 weeks shaking regularly. Drink 1 tablespoon. harvest a day until the end of the tincture. Store in a cold place.
"30 drops. "
2 tablespoons. L Herbs (anyway) of Wort St. John spills 120 ml of vodka. Mixture. Put for 7 days in an isolated dark place. Use 30 drops before sexual intercourse.

Traditional medicine to increase power as one of the best backgrounds emits Aspen's bark. It has a positive effect on the male body and prostatitis. The favorable effect is due to flavonoids and salicylic acid in the shell. It is better to buy it in a pharmacy, but you can start collecting and yourself. Decoctions, elixions and tinctures are prepared from the shell. It is allowed and simply chewing or dissolving it in the mouth. Therefore, the body will receive useful components in its purest form.
It is important to observe the correct dose so that the side effects do not occur, such as constipation and stomach pain. Preparing a peel -based product should be required according to the following instructions:
- Prepare 200 g of Aspen Shell, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, take 200 ml 3 times a day.
- Connect a decoction prepared according to previous instructions with a small amount of purpose. Use the product three times a day, 1 tablespoon.
- Pour 200 g of aspen bark 2 tablespoons. Alcohol, insist in 14 days. Use 50 ml of tincture in front of each meal.

Natural products to increase libido
Inadequate nutrition is one of the reasons for the deterioration of sexual function in a man. High qualityNatural Productshelp improve power.
- EggsThey are a sexual stimulant. To stimulate an erection, drink 1 raw egg before sexual intercourse.
- Nuts- Grey, cedar, hazelnuts contain many important useful substances - iron, calcium, iodine, zinc. All of these substances stimulate the functionality of the sexual glands. To improve erection, you need to use 30-50 g daily. any nuts.
- Garlic- Contains a rare microelection of Germanium. They need to season food or eat 1 garlic position a day. To remove the smell from the mouth, drink after drinking garlic 1 tablespoon. milk.
- Pumpkin- Product available and effective to improve power. Pumpkin dishes are not only tasty but also healthy. Pumpkin seeds contain an element - zinc, which helps in a short time to improve weak power. Combine crushed seeds purified with honey 1: 1, take 2 teaspoons. 7 times a day. Pumpkin oil restores libido. Take 2 teaspoons. - 3 times a day. For a sustainable effect, you must take 1, 5-2 months.
For good power, root crops and vegetables must be in a constant menu.
How to forget problems with slow power forever? The unsurpassed quality drug has entered the market. Hundreds of positive men's revisions in 2021.Read more!
Parsley, dill, basil, coriander- Increase the level of testosterone in the blood, increase the libido. Greens contribute to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and have a general strengthening effect. Add the green and dry shape generally.
Onion-Green, onion, onion restores the hormonal background and improves power. It can be consumed separately or added to salads and other dishes.
Nature itself took care of humanity, creating many healing plants.
- ThymeContains many necessary substances. It is recommended to add it to tea.
- MY SÃO JOÃO- Increases blood circulation at the bottom - The pelvic organs increases testosterone synthesis. 2 tablespoons. L Free Fresh Brew in any thermal 270 ml of boiling water. Divide 3-4 doses and drink a day.
- Kalgan- Male root. Eliminates swelling and inflammation of the genitals, increases sexual desire. The root of the plant is crushed to the state of the dust. In 400 ml of water, pour 1-2 teaspoons of dust. Boil for 15 minutes under a closed lid on a slight fire. Cool and strain the decoction. Take 1-2 tablespoon. L, 2-3 times a day-2 months.
- Red-haired- Contains a single set of components. Regular intake contributes to the growth of blood testosterone and the increased sensitivity of the genital organ. Ginger can be used anyway. Fresh root - in tea and tincture. Schedule - Like a separate dish.
- GinsengIt is considered natural pills. You can prepare dyes and add to the compositions, or you can assume your pure form. MOA the dry root and use half a teaspoon 2-3 times every day. The course of preventive treatment is 30 to 35 days.
- EleuterococcusIt is considered an analog of ginseng. This Far East plant has a wide range of therapeutic properties. Alcohol tincture is sold in a pharmacy. Take the morning and have lunch for 1 hour of spoon, washed with warm water.
Advice of a Healer. Replace coffee, tea and other drinks with Phyto-One.
Any fruits and berries have a useful effect on the body. They have a high vitamin content.
- Citrus fruitsThey contain lutein - this is one of the important components for improving the work of male secret.
- Coconut- Improves power, increases the amount and quality of sperm. Coconut milk mixed with honey 2: 1 increases the sexual attraction of both partners.
- Dates- An old tool to improve an erection. Eat 10 fruits daily - this will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
And also buy, juice of fruits and fruits.
Dairy products
Not all dairy products have an impact on male power. Dairy products that increase power include: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream. All of these products contain a large amount of calcium, which helps male energy.
Sour drinks improve the digestive tract, which, in turn, is a common strengthening tool.
Fish is a source of protein, zinc and selenium. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements make it useful for power.
A variety of seafood is great. From ancient times they were considered the most powerful aphrodisiacs. In addition to the substances included in any fish, they are rich in useful acids -Omega 3, Like this,Omega 6, Like this,iodineANDvitamin D. All of these components are involved in the synthesis of male hormones and increase power. Oysters are especially effective. They are able to aggravate sexual desire, strengthen erection and prolong sexual intercourse.
Spices - A Utility Warehouse for Male Health
Ginger, saffron and cloves are popular remedies recognized by the power of men of fast action. The dishes with these ingredients are traditionally served with a romantic dinner "with a sequence". The same applies to the spices that:
- Celery;
- Walnut -Mada;
- cinnamon;
- cardamom;
- vanilla.
Spices are used as an addition to food or independently. Try an exciting ginger drink according to an old recipe that came from Asia.
Ginger Drinks-Agrodisiacs
Grate the root of fresh ginger (2-3 cm) in a grater or moa with a combine kitchen, add cinnamon and honey and pour a glass of boiling water. Popular remedies to increase male power using this plant also include alcohol ginger tincture. For this, a kilogram of grated harvest should be spilled with a liter of high quality vodka and, after two weeks, the tincture is ready. Take 10 drops at night.
Another way to increase power in a man with folk medicine is to eat ground root of ginger mixed with honey. If you dissolve the mixture in the water, you receive a delicious and healthy drink that prevents prostatitis - a common cause of men's sexual weakness.
The ginger can also be pickled, sugary, dry. Anyway, it will help increase power (popular remedies) quickly in an adult man, even in old age, the plant effectively increases libido. The exciting effect is achieved by increasing blood flow and stimulation of testosterone production. In addition, it accelerates metabolic processes. However, ginger cannot be eaten by those who have problems with liver and gallbladder because this product causes increased biliary secretion.

Popular Methods and Remedies
Water procedures help strengthen power - swimming, water gymnastics.
- Sitting BathsImproved blood circulation in the pelvic zone. Add an herbal decoction to a comfortable temperature: chamomile, thyme or nettles.
- Baths sitting in contrastThey have an effective effect to increase power. Take 2 pelvis. Pour hot water into one (40 degrees) into the other cold (20 degrees). It is alternately feel in each for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Break with a dry towel.
- Rain of contrast- Increases blood circulation throughout the body, gives vigor and a wave of energy, which in turn increases libido and helps increase power. The temperature difference should be 15 to 20 degrees.
- Stimulating a cool shower(25 degrees) In the Perineum area provides a persistent and good result to increase power. The stimulating shower time is 2-3 minutes. The scrotum should be covered with a palm so that a flow of water does not fall over it. The procedure should be performed daily within 15 days.
- MustardDive into warm water, securestepsFor 10 minutes - this will cause an additional blood flow to the pelvic organs and thus increase power. To improve the effect, wear socks on top. And you can, for exposure speed, add 2 mustard to the sacred area.
- Kegel Exercises. LC thinking training increases power, expands ships. For prevention, it is also used for incontinence.

A bathroom is a "physiotherapy office, " where an adult man is a powerful effect on an adult's body. Hot humidity air has a favorable effect through respiratory tract and skin. With then, toxins and harmful substances come through the pores of the skin. Blood circulation improves.
- Traditional bath houseIt is considered ideal in terms of temperature and humidity. In it, for the formation of vapor, water splashes with a decoction or infusion of healing herbs with a decoction or infusion of healing herbs. In the steam room, brooms are used, it is recommended to improve power - Aspen. After steam save, you need to rinse with cold water, which will create a temperature contrast and will affect the libido favorably.
- Turkish Baths. Experts say: Modern Turkish Baths underwent significant change, not for the better. The traditions and conditions in them are far from true Hammam, but are also suitable for preventing erectile dysfunction.
Doctor's advice. Do not get excited about bathing procedures if there are problems with the cardiovascular system.
With the help of massage, you can not only strengthen genitals, but also cure many male diseases. There are many types of massage: relaxation, strengthening, tonic. Any of them favorably affects human health.

Supreme Massage - triggers the processes of activation of sexual function. Increases sexual desire, eliminates premature ejaculation, its result is a persistent erection. Bioactive points are in different areas.
- Massage the scenario area gradually rising 7-9 cm.
- Massage in the solar plexus also contributes to sexual arousal.
- Also, bioactive points are in the sole of the male feet - just in the center of the foot.
Good results are presented by the massage of the testicles, the penis and the prostate. It can be done independently, or you can use a partner's help. For this massage, you need to relax and tune. Tighten and knead the testicles for 2 minutes with both palms. Pull the penis in different directions, rotate in a circle.
Any massage should cause pleasant sensations. Discomfort and pain mean that actions are wrong.
Aromatherapy to improve power
Official medicine is recognized as the therapeutic effect of aromatherapy. Many plants are therapeutic due to essential oils present in them. Highlighted concentrateEssential oils are sold in a pharmacy. They have unique properties. They canAdd to the bath, to useMassageAdd to the water that sneevesin stones in a steam save, Put in a room in rim.
Oils like:Ilang-ylang, Like this,Black pepper, Like this,almond- They are considered men. They are able to aggravate sexual desire, improve power, cause endorphin production

Degrees of age -related power disorders
Power disorders are found in almost half of men after 50 years. All violations of power are divided into degree:
- Light degree - Small failures occur periodically or a gradual imperceptible decrease in power occurs; Spontaneous morning erections disappear, the time of sexual intercourse is reduced, etc. ; Light violations are found in one third of men who have power problems;
- The average degree - problems are growing, it is difficult to reach a complete erection, premature ejaculation appears; Failures are accompanied by stress, which further exacerbates the situation; The average degree develops in half of men with such pathology;
- Severe degree - lack of sexual desire and total impotence; Sometimes sexual desire is preserved and an erection is absent; Develops in 20% of men.
If a man has a poor power at 50, don't wait for new symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor immediately!
Advantages of traditional medicine
Restore power with popular remedies requires patience.The effect sometimes occurs only after a few weeks, but is fixed for a long time. BasicAdvantages of traditional medicine:
- Recipes are based on natural ingredients that are easy to obtain;
- All means are easy to prepare;
- There are no serious negative reactions;
- Along the way, with increasing power, the whole body is improving, since most bioactive components have a comprehensive effect on several systems at the same time;
- There is no addiction.
Folk -enlargement methods can be combined without side effects. Most of them can use men to 60, who are against -Indicated by many synthetic pathogens.
Green leaves

With the regular use of celery, dill, parsley, blood flow of the genitourinary system improves, sexual desire increases. Leaf greens contain vitamins, minerals. The product relieves inflammation, acts as an aphrodisiac - increases attraction.
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- 9 Possible causes of fast heartbeat
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To improve the quality of intimate life, eat raw vegetables.
What to do to stay for a long time
An erection is a physiological function that aims to perform sex.
The duration of erection depends on many factors, especially sexual stimulation, the general state of a man's body.
The presence of pathological processes in the urogenital tract, which can play an infectious and functional nature, also plays a significant role.

Factors that affect the duration of erection
To perform sexual function in the form of an erection, several systems are involved in the human body.
For a limb to remain for a long time, it is necessary to consider not only the state of the reproductive system, but also from other organs.
There are several groups of reasons that affect the duration and quality of an erection, include:

- Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate
- Psychological factors - the presence of libido, the attractiveness of a sexual partner to a man;
- Changes in the functional activity of the cardiovascular system and the presence of increased blood pressure, coronary heart disease;
- Endocrine pathology - insufficiency or excess sex hormones and others in the body;
- Age - The more a man of years, the longer and high quality erection;
- Urogenital tract diseases, penis that affect an erection.

Before performing therapeutic recommendations, it is very important to find out the cause of erectile dysfunction.